This article will show you how to log your student into Discovery Tech in using the QR Code.
Step 1: Print out students QR Code
Step 2: Student clicks on Discovery Education in Dock
Step 3: On login page, have your student click on Use QR Code
Step 4: Students will click “Allow” to allow Discovery education to use the camera
Step 5: Student will Scan QR Code
Step 6: Students will be brought to a page that looks like this
Step 7: Have the students scroll down the page to My Resources and click on the Science Tech Book
Step 8: Once you are taken to the tech book, have your student select the science for your grade, under the Course on the top of the page.
Step 9: Students will be directed to the selected science book
Step 10: To log out hit the circle with your initial on the top right-hand side, then hit log out
Step 11: You will be taken to this window. Make sure you hit sign out, to completely sign you out of Discovery Education
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